50th Anniversary Round Up - What we know so far!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
So the 50th Anniversary Special has begun filming. There's alot we know and alot we don't. So where to begin.... Well we know that it will be a TV special and will also air in cinemas and air in 3D. The date set for this is 23rd November 2013, exactly 50 years since it first began! So lets continue with the recap...
WHO's Returning
Now David was seen at the read-through along side Matt and Jenna (The 11th Doctor & Clara), but we didn't have any pictures of Billie but we figure she more than likely was there.
Now the speculation is whether David will be playing the actual 10th Doctor or the metacrisis doctor who was created at the end of season 4 and left in the parallel world with Rose. Following this is the filming pictures with 10's TARDIS and the Brown pinstripe suit is back, so it is leaning more towards 10 than his metacrisis.
Billie has yet to be seen on set with David, Matt & Jenna, she will probably be on set soon though.
Now the last time the Zygons graced our screens was in the classic series of Doctor Who, featuring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor in the story, The Terror of The Zygons. Also David Tennant has admitted that they are his favourite Doctor Who Monster.
WHO's a No Show
The list of people not returning to Doctor Who is slowly growing.
The first people to announce they were not returning were Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill. As most of us know by now their characters of Amy Pond and Rory Williams, bowed out the show in September 2012, in the story The Angels Take Manhattan. So it wasn't much of a suprise when they announced they were not returning. IT was also confirmed by Steven Moffat himself. Although it would have been a nice surprise for fans.
Next in the list on non-returnees is John Barrowman. As we all know John Barrowman plays Captain Jack Harkness. Now John has been stating for sometime that he wasn't going to be involved in the 50th, but this announcement came with Billies and Davids, who of course are now in the special. But recently he took to twitter to announce once again that he will not be taking part. Although he has said previously how he would love to return.
Also ruling himself out is our very own 9th Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. Eccleston has been no stranger to talking about his leave from Doctor Who and any chance of a return. It was speculated for sometime that he was in talks to return and as it appears the talks were true, just not the fact that he was returning. There were rumours that he signed up but then decided to leave but these were dashed by himself and the BBC, saying that in the end after talks he thought it best not to return.
Not much is known about other companions so as soon as more info is announced we will update.
WHO's Guest Starring
So first up we have John Hurt. Now John Hurt has not appeared in Doctor Who before but he was voice of the Great Dragon in Merlin and also was the narrator, so we know he is no stranger to the world of Sci-fi, with other credits including Harry Potter where he played Mr Ollivander. We do not have any information on the character he is portraying yet but i'm sure nearer the time more information will be announced.
As well as John Hurt, we have the lovely Joanna Page guest starring. She is following in the footsteps of James Corden, who she worked with on the TV show Gavin and Stacey. Although by the looks of the filming pictures, the characters that they portray do not exist in the same century. It appears the Page will be playing an Elizabethan character, which many have speculated could be Queen Elizabeth I. As of yet no details are known other than what we have seen.
WHO's Guest Starring
So first up we have John Hurt. Now John Hurt has not appeared in Doctor Who before but he was voice of the Great Dragon in Merlin and also was the narrator, so we know he is no stranger to the world of Sci-fi, with other credits including Harry Potter where he played Mr Ollivander. We do not have any information on the character he is portraying yet but i'm sure nearer the time more information will be announced.
What else is happening
Well apart from the 50th Anniversary Special/ TV Movie (whatever you want to call it) what else is going on.
Mark Gatiss has written a one-off show called An Adventure in Space and Time. This is about the creating of Doctor Who. Anyone in London would have spotted the Daleks lining up along the Westminster Bridge. So the 1st Doctor/ William Hartnell will be portrayed by David Bradley. It will air on BBC Two later this year.
As previously mentioned by Sylvester McCoy, there will be a Big Finish audio book. It will feature, Tom Baker, Colin Backer, Paul McGann, Sylvester McCoy and Peter Davidson, in their incarnations as the The Doctor. It is called The Light At The End. There will be 2 version a Standard Version and a Limited Collectors Edition. It will be released in November 2013. On the Big Finish Website there is a small summary: "November 23rd 1963 proves to be a significant day in the lives of all eight Doctors... It's the day that Bob Dovie's life is ripped apart..."
Thats all for now. If there is anything else you wish me to add then leave me a message.
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