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Doctor Who: Series 11 Trailer Released!

Following the teaser released during the World Cup final. The BBC have finally released a proper trailer ahead of it's supposed air...

Into The Dalek!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hey guys are you all ready for Into the Dalek? For us British Viewers it airs at 7.30pm tonight look below for a few sneak previews!


ADW is 8!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

So I just noticed, ADW turned 8 on the 8th July! So to celebrate I have posted a few old designs, from different hosts and from ADW Designs!!


5 Days till Deep Breath!

Hey guys! sorry for the long absence! I took a break as there was no news.... then suddenly there was lots!

Anyway! hope you are all ready for Saturday! Series 8 begins!!!!

Here is the trailer for Deep Breath:


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